At The End of Each Day Spend Time With Jesus, Says Pope at Regina Coeli

At The End of Each Day Spend Time With Jesus, Says Pope at Regina Coeli

Pope Francis reminded the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square for his Regina Coeli on the third Sunday of Easter that the day's Gospel reading describes the meeting of the Risen Jesus with the disciples of Emmaus. Even though the disciples do not recognize Jesus when they come across Him on their journey back from Jerusalem, the Lord consoles them by assisting them in reinterpreting the facts in the context of God's Word.

Revisit Our History
The Holy Father encourages everyone present to focus specifically on this point. He stated that it is vital for us to revisit our history with Jesus, pointing to the tale of our own lives. We can experience the same feelings of being alone, uncertain, and overwhelmed with concerns in the same way that the disciples experienced. However, just like the disciples, we are encouraged to spend time with Jesus so that He will stay by our side.

Examine Your Conscience Each Night
Pope Francis continues by saying that an effective approach to achieve this is by conducting a quick examination of conscience each night. We will gradually learn to view things differently, with His [eyes] rather than just our own, by reliving our day with Jesus and bringing to Him all the hopes, anxieties, emotions, decisions, and individuals that have crossed our minds throughout the day.

Pope Francis went on to say that to accomplish this, we must lay down our guard and stop keeping anything from Jesus. We must allow ourselves to be wounded by His truth through Him, he added, and let our hearts vibrate at the breath of His Word.

Reflect and Think About Each Day
As he concluded his catechesis, Pope Francis stated that we might begin today and spend a minute of prayer this evening to reflect on our day. The Pope concluded by saying, we need to ask ourselves whether one’s actions were motivated by love. For Jesus to show each of us new paths, to pull each one of us up, and to encourage each one of us, what are the stumbles, sadness, doubts, and anxieties that one should bring to Him?

Finally, Pope Francis asked Mary, the "wise Virgin," to aid us in recognizing Jesus as He walks with us and in reading each day of our lives again in the light of His.

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