Israel Launches Airstrikes on Hamas Targets in Gaza

Israel Launches Airstrikes on Hamas Targets in Gaza

Gaza - Israel has launched airstrikes on Hamas training camps in Gaza following rocket attacks by armed groups in Gaza towards Israeli civilians. The attacks were reportedly in response to the death of a Palestinian hunger striker in Israeli custody, which has led to heightened tensions in the region.

The Israeli military confirmed that the airstrikes targeted multiple parts of the Gaza Strip, with a focus on Hamas training camps. The Israeli army has also taken to Twitter, stating that the rocket attacks on Israeli civilians have been a reality for many in Israel, forcing them to seek shelter in bomb shelters.

Israeli officials have stated that the attacks were in response to strikes throughout the day from Gaza. They claimed that over 35 rockets were fired towards southern Israel, resulting in injuries, including a Chinese worker.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to numerous casualties and losses on both sides. The situation highlights the complexity of the conflict and the need for a peaceful resolution that addresses the root causes and concerns of all parties involved.

The international community has been calling for restraint and a de-escalation of the situation, with efforts towards a long-term ceasefire and negotiations towards a lasting peace.

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