Team Established By PAMI To Track Supernatural Phenomena Like Marian Apparitions and Personal Revelations

Team Established By PAMI To Track Supernatural Phenomena Like Marian Apparitions and Personal Revelations

An international observatory is being established by the Vatican's Pontifical International Marian Academy (PAMI) to track Marian apparitions, personal insights, and occult events. At a news conference on May 3, the observatory's director, Sister Daniela del Guadio, disclosed information on the observing team.

According to Sister Guadio, their goal is to help the faithful cultivate a critical consciousness that will shield them against false thinkers and those who promote misinformation. About 20 specialists from a variety of disciplines, including medicine, biology, law, and theology, make up the monitoring team. The group's primary responsibility is to investigate supernatural events.

The observatory also intends to teach individuals like media professionals about various occult phenomena. According to attorney Pavlo Canceli, people misunderstand because they are unaware of such things. The purpose of their work, according to Sister Guadio, is to investigate supernatural occurrences, such as Marian apparitions, using science. There are fifteen experts, hailing from nations including Brazil, Costa Rica, Japan, Portugal, Canada, and Croatia.

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