So, you've been sucked into a black hole. What happens now, at least theoretically? Scientists, as it turns out, have come with plenty of crazy theories.
Let's take a look at what wouldn't happen: Nobody can see or hear you falling into the black hole. In a black hole, your scream is not heard to anyone! And no one can see you in there either. That's because the gravity of a black hole is so great that even light cannot escape it.
Welcome to the place where gravity becomes infinite, and space-time becomes infinitely curved. No, it's not the Twilight Zone. Something even more outlandish: It's the center of a black hole.
As mentioned earlier, the strong gravity of a black hole is so intense that it would not allow any light or sound to escape. Hence, no one can see or hear a person who falls into a black hole. Scientists refer to this phenomenon as the point of no return, or the event horizon.

The concept of "Spaghettification" is introduced, which is the process where a person falling into a black hole would be stretched and thinned out into the shape of a spaghetti noodle due to the strong gravitational forces. The individual would eventually become a stream of subatomic particles, pulled apart by the tidal forces of the black hole's gravity.
The Firewall Theory is also evident here, which proposes that anyone entering a black hole would encounter radiation and a massive wall of flame, instantly broiling them as they cross the event horizon threshold of the black hole. The size of the black hole determines the experience of falling into it. Black holes come in different sizes, from super massive ones to merely massive ones formed by stars. Interestingly, the larger the black hole, the less dangerous it could be.
Finally, what would happen if something with the mass of the Earth were to collapse into a black hole? Everything on the planet would be compressed into the size of a peanut, but with the same or greater gravitational pull. If a star ship drifted too close to a black hole of that size, it would be destroyed instantly; the cost of repairing it would be astronomical.
Please follow below links for previous chapters :-
chapter 1 :
chapter 2 :