Pope Francis: Every Christian Is Called To Get Actively Involved In Charitable Work

Pope Francis: Every Christian Is Called To Get Actively Involved In Charitable Work

In his message on the annual World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis emphasized that every Christian is urged to get "personally involved" in the fight against poverty because a "great river of poverty is traversing our cities."

He gives an in-depth examination of the Book of Tobit in his message for World Day of the Poor, which will be observed on Sunday, November 19, this year.

Current Scenario
Pope Francis emphasizes in the opening of his message that a tremendous river of poverty is pouring through our communities and has swollen to the point of overflowing. This emphasizes how great the needs of our brothers and sisters are, and how they cry for our assistance, support, and solidarity.

He continued by stating that the times we are living in are not particularly considerate of the needs of the underprivileged. While the pressure to live a wealthy lifestyle intensifies, the voices of those who live in poverty sometimes go ignored.

He emphasizes new forms of poverty in particular, such as those caught up in conflict situations, brutal treatment of many workers, and speculation in numerous industries, which he claims have resulted in massive price spikes that have further impoverished many families.

Our Approach to the Problem
According to Pope Francis, our obligation is obvious when dealing with issues of this size. We must remember Tobit's advice to Tobias: "Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor."

In other words, he continues, we cannot turn our gaze away when we see a poor person because doing so would hinder us from seeing the face of Jesus.

As a result, the parable of the Good Samaritan (cf. Lk 10:25-37) is more than just a past event; it continues to confront each of us in the here and now of our everyday lives. Though it is simple to leave charitable work to others, every Christian is called to get actively involved.

From A Political Stand
Pope Francis continues by noting that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the release of Pope John XXIII's famous encyclical Pacem in Terris, in which he proclaimed that every person has the right to life, bodily integrity, and the means necessary for a healthy development of life, including food, clothing, shelter, medical care, rest, and, finally, the essential social services.

Pope Francis went on to ask how to proceed in the light of political process's failure to produce these goods.

The answer, according to him, is twofold. On the one hand, public institutions must be urged and even pressured to carry out their obligations effectively, but on the other, it is useless to sit back and wait for everything to fall "from on high."

Pope Francis emphasizes that in this effort to bring about change and take responsibility, those who are poor must also be included.

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