Pope Francis to Leave Gemelli Hospital Tomorrow Morning

Pope Francis to Leave Gemelli Hospital Tomorrow Morning

According to the latest update from the Holy See Press Office, Pope Francis is scheduled to be discharged from Rome's Gemelli Hospital tomorrow morning.

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, stated that the Pope had a restful night and his clinical progress is proceeding normally. The blood test results were reported to be within the normal range.

Additionally, it was mentioned that yesterday evening, the Pope shared a meal with the individuals who have been assisting him since his hospitalization.

Earlier today, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude by meeting with the entire team involved in his surgery, including the medical staff, nurses, social and health workers, and auxiliary staff.

He personally thanked them for their coordination and performance during the operation on June 7th.

Additionally, the Pope had separate meetings with Bishop Claudio Giuliodori, the General Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Catholic University, and Father Nunzio Currao, the Spiritual Assistant of the Polyclinic staff.

He held discussions with the representatives of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli, including President Carlo Fratta Pasini, as well as the Rector of the Catholic University, Prof. Franco Anelli, and the governing bodies of the Polyclinic, led by General Director Prof. Marco Elefanti.

 Pope Francis made a visit to the Paediatric Oncology and Children's Neurosurgery ward.

These young patients had previously expressed their affection for the Pope through various letters, drawings, and messages, wishing him a speedy recovery. Moved by their plight, the Pope empathized with the children and their parents, who carry the burden of suffering on a daily basis.

As a gesture of support, Pope Francis personally presented each child with a Rosary and a book.

During his visit, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to the medical staff for their professionalism and dedicated efforts.

He acknowledged their commitment to alleviating the suffering of others, emphasizing that their care extended beyond medication to encompass tenderness and compassion.

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