Pope Francis Welcomes Daz-Canel Bermdez, The President of Cuba

Pope Francis Welcomes Daz-Canel Bermdez, The President of Cuba

According to a statement issued by the Holy See Press Office on Tuesday, 20 June, Pope Francis met with Miguel Daz-Canel Bermdez, the president of the Republic of Cuba, in the morning in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall. Following this, the President and Mgr. Daniel Pacho, Undersecretary for the Multilateral Sector of the Section for Relations with States and International Organizations, moved on to see Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State.

The statement claims that among the subjects covered was the significance of the Holy See's diplomatic ties with Cuba and the 25th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II's historic visit to Cuba in 1998.

They then discussed the country's conditions and the Church's contributions, particularly in the field of charity.

In the statement's conclusion, it was noted that throughout the conversation, several international issues of shared interest were brought up, as well as the necessity of carrying on with the promotion of the common good.

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