Employee Morale Plummets as Byju's EdTech Grapples with Turmoil

Employee Morale Plummets as Byju's EdTech Grapples with Turmoil

Bangalore - Indian edtech startup Byju's is grappling with fresh troubles, causing anxiety among employees who were already uncertain about their future following previous rounds of job cuts, according to more than a dozen current and former staff members who spoke with Reuters.

On Thursday, auditor Deloitte and three prominent board members severed ties with the Bengaluru-based company, further raising doubts about its financial health and governance practices. Byju's, which has already laid off several thousand employees this year due to declining demand, is facing regulatory scrutiny and engaged in a legal battle with its lenders. Additionally, the company's valuation has been significantly reduced by at least one major investor.

"Morale is at an all-time low. Literally every person has a job portal open on their laptop at all times. Everyone wants to leave desperately before they are asked to pack up overnight," revealed an anonymous senior manager at Byju's.

Numerous employees, who chose to remain anonymous, disclosed that they had received no official communication regarding the departure of Deloitte and the board members.

When approached for comment, a spokesperson for Byju's did not respond to Reuters' inquiries about staff morale, the lack of communication from management, or other concerns raised by employees.

After initially denying the board exits, Byju's finally acknowledged late on Friday, through a statement, that "few" investors had vacated their board seats.

"The lack of communication from the company's leadership is heightening employee concerns. It's all been eerily quiet so far," added the manager.

Byju's, which was valued at approximately $22 billion early last year, began downsizing its workforce in October to reduce costs as demand for online tutoring declined after the COVID-19 pandemic abated.

According to two employees interviewed by Reuters, performance incentives, bonuses, and appraisals have been put on hold amidst the ongoing turmoil.

"The general sentiment is that the company is struggling," said an analyst at Byju's. "Almost 90% of us, myself included, are waiting for a performance appraisal which hasn't happened."

A former employee, who had conversations with managers still working at Byju's, stated that many were insecure about their future due to a lack of regular contact with top leaders for about four to six weeks.

Another source, who left Byju's last month, expressed, "People count each day anticipating layoffs, today I may be safe, tomorrow I may not. No one is working there out of choice anymore, but due to financial commitments or because they haven't yet found another job."

Deloitte declined to comment further on its decision to sever ties with Byju's, and the board members either did not respond to phone calls or could not be reached.

The latest developments at Byju's have raised serious concerns about the company's stability and its ability to navigate the challenging landscape of the edtech sector. As employees grapple with uncertainty, the future of the once high-flying startup remains uncertain.

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