Former Abortion Advocate Becomes Pro-Life Advocate, to Join Catholic Church

Former Abortion Advocate Becomes Pro-Life Advocate, to Join Catholic Church

In a remarkable turn of events, Kristin Turner, a 21-year-old activist who was once an outspoken supporter of abortion, has undergone a profound transformation.

Turner, who used to speak at events advocating for the societal benefits of abortion, has now become an ardent pro-life advocate and recently announced her intention to join the Catholic Church.

In a heartfelt Twitter post on May 29, Turner expressed her newfound perspective, stating, "There is a God-shaped hole in my heart. I have tried to fill it with everything under the sun. But that's not possible. I need him as much as he wants me."

Turner's journey towards this change of heart was influenced by a series of experiences, with her involvement in pro-life advocacy playing a significant role. After enduring abuse by a high school teacher and facing the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy resulting from that abuse, she embarked on extensive research into abortion. This deep dive into the subject prompted her to reevaluate her pro-abortion stance.

She realized the parallels between the violence she experienced and the violence committed against unborn children, who are often not regarded as fully human or have their bodies respected. This realization served as a catalyst for her decision to take action.

As a self-described feminist and progressive, Turner initially questioned whether there was a place for her in the pro-life movement. However, her convictions pushed her to defy this perceived divide and she founded a pro-life group on her college campus before establishing her own nonprofit organization called Take Feminism Back. The group aims to assist pregnant and parenting individuals in need while advocating for progressive social change that encompasses all stages of life.

Since 2021, Turner has served as the communications director for Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), an organization that seeks socio-political justice for the preborn by mobilizing anti-abortion activists and opposing elective abortion through a progressive lens. PAAU members have engaged in peaceful protests outside abortion centers and demonstrated in front of the Supreme Court. In a significant turn of events, Turner and PAAU's founder, Terrisa Bukovinac, were even incarcerated for four days in November 2022 after participating in a "rescue" event at a women's center in Virginia.

During her involvement in the pro-life movement, Turner's connection to the Catholic Church deepened.

“It was really through that work and seeing how fruitful an act of sacrifice could be and how transformational an act of sacrifice could be that drew me into the Church,” she said, “and just seeing the sacrifice of Jesus and what he was willing to do to humanize, to help save our lives.”

Turner also cited the number of Catholics involved in the pro-life movement who talked with her about the Church.

Witnessing the transformative power and fruitfulness of sacrificial acts, along with reflecting on Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, inspired her to explore Catholicism further. Moreover, the support and guidance she received from numerous Catholics within the pro-life movement played a pivotal role in her decision.

"There's just many things that have brought me here, but the main one has been seeing how necessary it is to sacrifice for these unborn children," Turner shared in an interview.

Kristin Turner's journey from a fervent abortion advocate to a passionate pro-life activist and her forthcoming conversion to Catholicism stands as a powerful testament to the potential for personal growth and transformation.

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