Supreme Court to Hear PIL on Suicide by Married Men and 'National Commission for Men'

Supreme Court to Hear PIL on Suicide by Married Men and 'National Commission for Men'

New Delhi - The Supreme Court is set to hear a significant case on July 3, involving a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) that focuses on the distressing issue of suicide among married men who are victims of domestic violence. The PIL also seeks the formation of a specialized organization called the 'National Commission for Men' to protect the rights and interests of men in such situations. The PIL was filed by advocate Mahesh Kumar Tiwari and has garnered attention due to its reliance on data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

According to the NCRB data published in 2021, the number of suicides in India reached a staggering 1,64,033 that year. Out of these tragic cases, a significant portion consisted of married men, with 81,063 reported suicides. The data also revealed that 28,680 married women lost their lives to suicide during the same period.

The petition emphasizes that 33.2% of men who took their own lives cited family problems as the cause, while 4.8% attributed their suicide to marriage-related issues. These figures indicate a pressing need for guidelines and support systems to address the challenges faced by married men experiencing domestic violence or other family-related problems.

In addition to seeking guidelines for handling such cases, the PIL calls for the involvement of the National Human Rights Commission in addressing the issue of suicide among married men and providing a platform for them to report instances of domestic violence. The petition further urges the Union of India to issue proper guidelines, through the Ministry of Home Affairs, to all police stations. These guidelines would ensure that complaints related to domestic violence and family problems faced by individuals are promptly received, acknowledged, and referred to the State Human Rights Commission for appropriate action. This directive is proposed to be implemented until comprehensive legislation is enacted to address these issues.

Furthermore, the PIL requests a directive or recommendation to the Law Commission of India to undertake research specifically focused on suicides committed by married men who suffer from domestic violence or face family problems. The objective of this research would be to gather comprehensive data and insights, leading to the formulation of a detailed report. The report could potentially serve as the basis for establishing a dedicated institution, similar to the proposed National Commission for Men, which would be responsible for addressing the unique challenges faced by men in vulnerable situations.

Overall, the PIL highlights the urgent need to address the alarming rates of suicide among married men subjected to domestic violence and emphasizes the importance of developing appropriate guidelines, support systems, and institutions to safeguard their well-being.

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