Manipur Conflict: Quadcopters used as weaponry by warring factions

Manipur Conflict: Quadcopters used as weaponry by warring factions

Imphal - In the volatile state of Manipur, technology has played a dual role as both a blessing and a curse. While the Army and Assam Rifles have harnessed the power of drones for rescue and relief operations, opposing ethnic groups have adopted quadcopters as weapons to target each other.

According to officials, security agencies have observed the use of quadcopters by warring factions, namely the Meiteis, concentrated in the Imphal valley, and the Kukis, primarily residing on the hillside. These quadcopters are utilized to gather intelligence on each other's positions.

Certain locations, such as Phougakchao, Kangvai Bazar, and Torbung Bazar in southwest Manipur, have witnessed extensive usage of quadcopters by these communities, whose villages face off against each other. To maintain peace, security forces have established buffer zones in these areas, effectively separating the agitated factions.

However, despite the presence of security forces, certain areas like Loibol in Senapati district and Leimaram in Bishnupur district continue to be hotspots of violence, highlighting the deep-seated mistrust between the two communities. Officials attribute this mistrust to the reliance on technology for monitoring each other's movements.

The officials further note that intermittent firing occurs during the day and night as the groups target these freely available quadcopters, which are easily accessible in the market. Quadcopters, also known as quadrotors, are unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with four rotors that enable them to hover in place, unlike conventional fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters.

While quadcopters offer precise aerial maneuvers, their fixed-wing counterparts can only perform less precise fly-by runs. Despite their potential for conflict, drones have also played a constructive role in Manipur. In particular, they have assisted the Army and Assam Rifles in rescue operations, saving the lives of approximately 2000 civilians in the Kakching district.

Drones have aided security forces in locating armed assailants, allowing for strategic engagement, while separate teams have rescued civilians through alternative routes. However, during the ethnic riots that erupted on May 3, rioters in Imphal city targeted a quadcopter with stones as it assisted in navigating troops through narrow lanes and bylanes.

The complex interplay between technology, violence, and rescue efforts in Manipur exemplifies the multifaceted impact of advanced aerial devices on the region's conflict dynamics.

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