Marvel at God’s Creation Like Little Children, Says Pope Francis

Marvel at God’s Creation Like Little Children, Says Pope Francis

Pope Francis welcomed the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus and encouraged them to think about the prayer Jesus offers to the Father in the Gospel, thanking the Lord for showing all of His works to "the little ones" who know how to receive them (Mt 11:25).

He urged all believers to consider if they truly marvel, like young children, at God's creations around them or merely allow them to pass by.

According to the Pope, the message of the Gospel is clear: God reveals Himself by liberating and healing the human being, with a generous love that saves. Jesus gives gratitude to His Father because He never acts in a way that is contrary to His love, which is what makes Him so magnificent.

Pope Francis went on to say that individuals who think they are great and create a god in their image—one who is strong, rigid, and vindictive—do not comprehend the magnitude of God's love and works.

The Pope claimed that those who are conceited, arrogant, only interested in themselves, and certain they are self-sufficient are unable to embrace God as their Father.

Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum are the three wealthy cities Jesus mentions as having residents who were unable to accept the wonderful gifts of God.

The right response to God's works, according to Pope Francis, is to allow ourselves to be moved by them so that they can grow in our life through numerous good deeds.

Pope Francis concluded by urging the faithful to reflect on whether they were able to amaze like children at the good that silently changed the world and whether they gave thanks to God every day for His creations amidst the flood of news that currently overwhelms us.

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