Alarming Surge in Atrocities Against Christians in India: Over 400 Incidents Reported in First Half of 2023

Alarming Surge in Atrocities Against Christians in India: Over 400 Incidents Reported in First Half of 2023

The frequency of atrocities against Christians in India has been escalating significantly each year. In the first 190 days of 2023 alone, there have been 400 incidents of violence, averaging over 2 incidents per day.

June was particularly alarming, with an average of 3 incidents per day. Uttar Pradesh leads with the highest number of incidents at 155, followed by Chhattisgarh with 84. Other states such as Jharkhand, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Punjab also witnessed a significant number of incidents.

These incidents are spread across the country, irrespective of the political party in power. In total, 23 states have reported violence against Christians.

The United Christian Forum (UCF) has been tracking these incidents, noting a steady increase since 2014. Shockingly, despite being the victims, Christians often face more FIRs (First Information Reports) than the accused, with police failing to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators.

False allegations of conversions under the Freedom of Religion Act have led to 63 FIRs against Christians, and there are still 35 pastors in jail with repeated denial of bail.

The Christian community has made numerous appeals to the President, Prime Minister, and Home Minister for action, but responses are yet to be received. In the face of these ongoing atrocities, a petition has been filed before the Supreme Court of India.

During the hearing on July 10, 2023, the Union government opposed the petition. The petitioner's advocate, Colin Gonsalves, requested an interim prayer for the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) comprising officers from outside the respective states to register FIRs, investigate, and prosecute the cases. The next hearing is scheduled for July 14, 2023.

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