Heatwave Crisis: Hospitals Resort to Body-Bag Ice Treatment in US

Heatwave Crisis: Hospitals Resort to Body-Bag Ice Treatment in US

Over 90 million Americans are facing scorching temperatures as an unrelenting heatwave blankets the southern region. Phoenix, in particular, endured a record-breaking 19th consecutive day of 110F (43C) temperatures.

The severity of the heat has put immense strain on hospitals, where patients suffering from overheating are being cooled down with body bags filled with ice.

This oppressive heat dome has settled over a vast expanse of the US South, causing soaring temperatures from Florida to California. The extreme heat is expected to persist throughout the week, posing serious health risks and prompting authorities to issue urgent advisories.

The US is facing a staggering number of record-high temperatures this year, with over 12,000 recorded so far, as reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The extreme heat has prompted residents to crank up their air conditioners, resulting in Arizona's largest utility service witnessing the highest electricity usage ever.

The relentless heatwave is taking a toll on public health, with Phoenix reporting 12 deaths due to heat-related effects. Hospitals are overwhelmed with patients suffering from heat exhaustion, and the healthcare system is grappling with the surge in cases. Emergency rooms are implementing innovative measures, such as using body bags filled with ice to rapidly cool down heatstroke victims.

In Las Vegas, temperatures have soared, catching tourists off guard and leading to a significant increase in emergency service calls. People are struggling to cope with the continuous heat as there is minimal relief during the night, and the city's infrastructure retains the accumulated heat from the day.

The most vulnerable, including the homeless population, face the harshest impact of the heatwave. Cooling stations and shelters are providing some respite, but the ongoing heatwave has intensified the struggle for those without access to cooling resources.

The increasing frequency, intensity, and duration of heatwaves are linked to human-induced climate change. The global rise in temperatures is a pressing concern, necessitating urgent and significant actions by governments worldwide to reduce emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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