Algeria's Application to Join BRICS Alliance in 2023 with a USD 1.5 Billion Contribution

Algeria's Application to Join BRICS Alliance in 2023 with a USD 1.5 Billion Contribution

Algiers [Algeria] : Algeria has taken a significant step in its pursuit of closer economic ties and opportunities by formally applying to join the BRICS group. During his recent visit to China, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune expressed the nation's eagerness to enhance partnerships with countries like China and join the BRICS alliance. The move involves Algeria submitting a request to become a shareholder member of the BRICS Bank as part of their application.

President Tebboune's statement regarding the application and Algeria's intended contribution to the BRICS Bank was reported by An-Nahar Al-Jadid, an independent Algerian daily newspaper. He stated, "We officially applied to join the BRICS group, we sent a letter asking to be shareholder members in the bank ... Algeria's first contribution in the bank will be USD 1.5 billion."

The BRICS group, currently consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, holds significant global influence, representing over 40 percent of the world's population and approximately 26 percent of the global economy, as reported by Morocco World News.

Algeria's interest in joining the BRICS group coincides with a perceived global eagerness for geopolitical realignments. Many countries in the Global South have shown dissatisfaction with the predominant influence of the West in global affairs. As a result, more than 40 nations have reportedly expressed their interest in joining the BRICS group, amid ongoing geopolitical tensions and ideological clashes between "the West and the Rest."

However, some analysts caution against a hasty embrace of the BRICS group, particularly in picking the Russia-China axis as a strategic choice amidst the current geopolitical uncertainties. They argue that such a decision requires careful consideration due to the complexity of global affairs.

In recent times, Algeria's actions have faced criticism from the US and the EU regarding arms imports from Russia and perceived support for the country. Nonetheless, Algeria remains committed to exploring new economic opportunities and strengthening its ties with emerging powers as it seeks to join the influential BRICS alliance.

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