Pope Francis Meets Mexican World Youth Day Pilgrims

Pope Francis Meets Mexican World Youth Day Pilgrims

When Father Ignacio Bello invited Pope Francis to join his group of young adults for their morning Mass celebration in St. Peter's Basilica, he never expected a response, let alone a personal invitation in return.

To his surprise, he received a heartfelt handwritten letter from the Pope himself, inviting him and his group to meet at the Vatican residence on July 25.

The group of 50 young adults from Guadalajara, Mexico, associated with the Regnum Christi Federation, had embarked on a pilgrimage to Rome as part of their journey to World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal.

Inspired by the desire in his heart, Father Bello decided to write to Pope Francis, following his encouragement to pursue their dreams.

The encounter with the Pope was kept as a surprise for the group until after Mass, adding to their excitement and anticipation. When they finally met Pope Francis, they engaged in a warm and fraternal conversation for about 25 minutes in a receiving room at the Vatican guesthouse.

During the meeting, the young adults asked the Pope questions and sought his advice. They learned about his favorite saint, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and received guidance on nurturing a strong prayer life by speaking to God as a friend, sharing the ordinary aspects of their daily lives.

For the group, conversing with Pope Francis felt like talking to a friend, making the encounter even more meaningful and memorable.

The meeting was an unexpected and joyous experience, adding a special touch to their pilgrimage journey, which would take them to various Catholic shrines before concluding at World Youth Day in Portugal.

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