Pope Francis Calls for Continued Prayers to Resume Grain Supplies from Ukraine

Pope Francis Calls for Continued Prayers to Resume Grain Supplies from Ukraine

In a heartfelt plea during the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis urged the world to pray for the embattled nation of Ukraine, where an ongoing war is wreaking havoc on essential resources, including grain.

The Pope expressed his deep concern, especially regarding the disruption of the Black Sea Initiative, a vital agreement facilitating grain shipments from the region's ports through a brokered arrangement involving Turkey, the United Nations, Russia, and Ukraine.

“I appeal to my brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation, that the Black Sea Initiative may be restored and grain may be transported safely”, the Pontiff said.

With grain being a divine gift to nourish humanity, Pope Francis emphasized that the destruction caused by the conflict is a severe offense to God.

His call for prayers comes amidst alarming reports of bombardments targeting harbor installations and grain deposits, exacerbating the already dire situation.

Speaking to journalists, UN Secretary-General António Guterres also expressed distress over the breakdown of the Black Sea Initiative, stressing that the consequences of prolonged conflict will have devastating global impacts, particularly on developing countries.

He further reassured the international community of the UN's commitment to help revive the initiative, emphasizing the importance of ensuring both Ukrainian and Russian food and fertilizers continue to reach global markets.

As the situation remains critical, the world is urged to unite in prayer and action, striving to alleviate the suffering in Ukraine and safeguarding the availability of essential grain supplies on a global scale.

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