Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan anticipates Vladimir Putin's August visit

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan anticipates Vladimir Putin's August visit

Istanbul - President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey announced that discussions are ongoing for Russian President Vladimir Putin's upcoming visit to Turkey in August. Although a specific date has not been confirmed, Erdogan shared that talks are in progress involving the foreign minister and the head of the intelligence organization. He expressed his hope that the visit will materialize within the framework of these discussions. Erdogan made these statements after Friday prayers in Istanbul, as reported by the Turkish News Agency Anadolu Ajansi (AA).

Erdogan's comments followed a recent phone call with Putin during which they both agreed on Putin's visit to Turkey in the coming days, according to AA. During the call, Erdogan conveyed Turkey's dedication to continued efforts and diplomatic initiatives to reinstate the Black Sea grain deal. He assured Putin that Turkey will persist in its "intense" endeavors to restore the agreement that was initially formed with Russia, Ukraine, and the United Nations in July 2022 to resume grain exports from Ukrainian Black Sea ports, which were suspended due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Addressing Putin's offer to supply grain to African nations without charge, Erdogan aligned Turkey's stance with Russia's. He stated that Turkey plans to transform the incoming grains from Russia via the Black Sea corridor into flour and subsequently transport the flour to impoverished African and underdeveloped countries. Erdogan emphasized Turkey's commitment to supporting and aiding vulnerable nations through these actions.

Moreover, Erdogan highlighted his appreciation for the recent provision of two amphibious firefighting aircraft by Russia to aid Turkey's battle against forest fires. He also noted the growing interest of Russian tourists in Turkey and expressed optimism that collaborative efforts would lead to a record-breaking year for tourism.

The conversation between the two leaders also touched on the importance of maintaining the Black Sea Initiative as a "bridge of peace" during the Russia-Ukraine war. Erdogan underscored that escalating tensions should be avoided and highlighted the negative impact of the long-term halt of the Black Sea Initiative, particularly on countries in need of grain and those with low incomes. He highlighted the recent fluctuations in grain prices and reiterated Turkey's commitment to diligently work toward the continuation of the initiative.

In conclusion, the statement from the Turkish President's office outlined the fruitful discussion, showcasing the cooperative efforts between Turkey and Russia on various fronts, including diplomacy, aid, and tourism.

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