North Korea calls for comprehensive measures to mitigate typhoon Khanun's impact

North Korea calls for comprehensive measures to mitigate typhoon Khanun's impact

Seoul - North Korea has reiterated its plea for concerted actions aimed at mitigating the potential impacts of the approaching typhoon Khanun. The nation has underscored the need for thorough preparedness, emphasizing that a failure to do so could result in a significant setback for the country's economy.

This typhoon is anticipated to move towards North Korea on Friday, following its landing on South Korea's southeastern coast the preceding day, and then progressing inland. Seoul's weather agency provided this forecast.

In response to the impending natural disaster, North Korea has called upon its party officials to mobilize comprehensive efforts to safeguard the lives of its citizens and provide protection against the force of nature. This directive aligns with the country's five-year economic policy plan, established in 2021. Rodong Sinmun, the principal newspaper in North Korea, echoed these sentiments, as reported by Yonhap News Agency.

The report further highlights the urgency of minimizing the typhoon's adverse effects on North Korea's preparations for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the republic's establishment, a significant event scheduled for September 9.

Due to its limited infrastructure, North Korea remains highly susceptible to natural calamities, with heavy rainfall historically leading to the displacement of numerous individuals within the poverty-stricken nation.

In conjunction with the typhoon alert, North Korea has also issued warnings on Monday, cautioning against strong winds, intense rainfall, and large waves that are expected to affect various parts of the country throughout the week.

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