Observing the 78th Anniversary of the US Atomic Bombing: Nagasaki Day 2023

Observing the 78th Anniversary of the US Atomic Bombing: Nagasaki Day 2023

Nagasaki - Marking the 78th anniversary of the US atomic bombing, Nagasaki, Japan, commemorated the devastating event on Wednesday. On August 9, 1945, the United States deployed the second nuclear bomb, known as 'Fat Man,' over the southern Japanese city, just three days after Hiroshima was ravaged by the first atomic bomb, 'Little Boy,' which utilized uranium.

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida extended condolences to the victims of the catastrophic attack, emphasizing their commitment to achieving a world without nuclear weapons. In a video message, he stated, "I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the souls of the victims of the atomic bombing, and my heartfelt sympathies to those who are still suffering from the aftereffects. The tragedy that occurred in Nagasaki 78 years ago today must never be repeated. As the only country to have suffered atomic bombings, we will continue our efforts to realize a world free of nuclear weapons." He further pledged to strive for nuclear disarmament and lasting global peace.

Reflecting on the tragic incident and its victims, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres underscored the imperative to prevent such devastation from recurring and urged the eradication of nuclear weapons to eliminate nuclear risks. He stated, "78 years ago, atomic weapons were used on Nagasaki. We must never again allow such devastation to occur. The only way to eliminate the nuclear risk is to eliminate nuclear weapons," as expressed on social media platform X (formerly Twitter).

On August 9, 1945, as World War II persisted, the United States and its allies sought to expedite Japan's surrender and avoid a protracted conflict. The decision to deploy atomic bombs stemmed from the need to hasten Japan's capitulation. About 20 days after the United States conducted the first successful nuclear test, known as the 'Trinity Test,' on July 16, 1945, it dropped the inaugural atomic bomb, 'Little Boy,' on Hiroshima on August 6, leading to approximately 140,000 deaths by year-end.

The bomb utilized in the Nagasaki attack was codenamed 'Fat Man,' resulting in the deaths of over 80,000 people. This event ultimately compelled Japan's unconditional surrender in World War II. Initially, about 70,000 individuals were killed in the immediate aftermath at Nagasaki, with an additional 70,000 succumbing to radiation-induced illnesses later on. The 'Fat Man' was dropped from a US warplane named Enola Gay, detonating roughly 1,650 feet above Nagasaki.

Nagasaki Day is globally observed to advocate for peace and raise awareness about the peril of nuclear weapons. This day holds significance as it prompts anti-war and anti-nuclear demonstrations across numerous countries.

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