Russia's Selection of Kazan: Host City for 2024 BRICS Summit

Russia's Selection of Kazan: Host City for 2024 BRICS Summit

Moscow - Russia is set to take the helm of the BRICS Chairmanship in the coming year, guided by the motto of "Strengthening Multilateralism for Justice in Global Development and Security." A robust lineup of approximately 200 events covering political, economic, and social aspects is planned across more than ten Russian cities.

The focal point of our Chairmanship will be the highly anticipated BRICS Summit, scheduled for October 2024 in Kazan. Diplomatic channels will be utilized to coordinate the precise dates with our fellow member states. This Summit will also encompass events held in the proven BRICS plus outreach format.

Throughout our tenure, Russia commits to actively implementing the decisions taken at the Summit, including those related to expanding the association to include new participants. Collaborative efforts will be prioritized on the foreign policy front, both within key international platforms like the United Nations and through frequent gatherings of senior security officials.

Russia's dedication to critical tasks such as combating terrorism, countering the spread of extremist ideologies, and addressing financial crimes like money laundering and asset recovery remains unwavering. We extend gratitude to our partners for their support within the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and hope for ongoing solidarity in this regard.

Enabling the comprehensive execution of the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy until 2025 and crafting fresh long-term cooperation guidelines will be key pursuits. This involves bolstering our states' influence within the global monetary and financial system, fostering interbank cooperation, amplifying the use of national currencies, and fostering collaboration among tax, customs, and anti-monopoly agencies.

Russia's vision encompasses robust partnerships in science, innovation, healthcare, education, and broader humanitarian ties. We recognize the significance of cultural and civilizational diversity in shaping the emerging multipolar world order. This underscores the creation of an inclusive and open platform for cultural exchanges, artistic endeavors, and creativity.

Putins addressed that the time is ripe for meaningful dialogues not only with BRICS partners but also with our SCO and CIS counterparts, alongside other nations, regarding the future of global culture and the preservation of cultural heritage. The forthcoming 9th International Cultural Forum in St. Petersburg from November 16 to 18, 2023, holds promise as a venue for these discussions.

Russia remains committed to fostering sports connections and youth exchanges. The BRICS Games are slated for June 2024, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming BRICS teams to the Games of the Future international tournament in Kazan the following year—an innovative amalgamation of dynamic sports disciplines with popular video games and technology. The World Youth Festival in Sochi in March 2024 will provide an excellent platform for friendly interactions and connections.

In summation, Russia's tenure as Chair will be marked by collaborative and constructive efforts with our BRICS partners to elevate the stature and influence of the group, setting the stage for continued growth and prosperity.

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