Faith is Effectively Transmitted in One's Mother Tongue, Pope Francis on Mother's Role in Evangelization

Faith is Effectively Transmitted in One's  Mother Tongue, Pope Francis on Mother's Role in Evangelization

Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to mothers and grandmothers for their role in passing down the faith to their children and grandchildren. He emphasized that faith is most effectively transmitted in one's native language.

In his teachings on "the passion for evangelization," Pope Francis highlighted the example of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He stressed the significance of conveying faith in one's mother tongue.

Pope  noted that although Christianity had already reached the Americas at the time of Our Lady's appearance to Juan Diego, the initial evangelization of the continent had faced challenges. Instead of adapting to the local culture, there had been a tendency to impose pre-existing models, often disregarding the indigenous people.

In contrast, when Mary appeared to Juan Diego, she embraced the local culture by wearing native clothing, speaking the local language, and showing love and acceptance for the indigenous culture.

This, Pope Francis emphasized, serves as a powerful lesson on the importance of respecting and incorporating local customs and languages in the process of sharing the faith.

Pope Francis continued by describing Mary as a nurturing Mother who embraces all her children. He emphasized that every child finds a place under her protective care, and it is through Mary that God took on human form. Her role in incarnating God's message in the lives of people remains crucial.

The Pope highlighted the importance of Mary's communication of God's message in the native language of the people. He stressed that the Gospel is most effectively shared through the mother tongue.

Pope Francis expressed his heartfelt gratitude, particularly to mothers and grandmothers, for their vital role in passing on the Gospel to the younger generations. He emphasized that faith is a living, dynamic transmission, and mothers play a fundamental role as the first evangelizers. He invited those present to applaud these dedicated mothers.

Shifting the focus to St. Juan Diego, Pope Francis acknowledged that he had been married when he embraced Christianity. Despite facing various challenges, including resistance from Church authorities, Juan Diego remained steadfast in his mission, following the call of Our Lady.

Pope Francis continued to emphasize the challenges and rewards of inculturating the Gospel and evangelizing different cultures. He stressed the need for perseverance, patience, and a willingness to navigate conflicts without losing hope. Pope Francis likened this journey to a mother guiding her child through life's challenges, with Mary providing comfort and support.

Referring to the miraculous image of Our Lady on Juan Diego's tilma, the Pope described it as a "surprise of God." He explained that God can achieve unexpected outcomes when there is willingness and obedience, often in ways that defy our expectations.

Pope Francis pointed out that even today, at Marian shrines, pilgrimage sites, and places of evangelization, we witness the warm welcome and genuine expression of faith that characterized Saint Juan Diego's life. He emphasized the simplicity and authenticity of faith in these locations, where people communicate in a maternal language of faith.

Pope Francis concluded by encouraging people to visit these places of consolation and mercy, where they can lay down life's burdens in the arms of Our Lady and find peace in their hearts.

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