USTR Urges Russia to Honor Black Sea Grain Deal for the Sake of Millions

USTR Urges Russia to Honor Black Sea Grain Deal for the Sake of Millions

Jaipur - Addressing the inaugural session of the G20 Trade and Investment Ministers' Meeting titled "Multilateral Trade for Global Growth & Prosperity," United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai delivered a series of remarks that underlined key points of emphasis.

Tai's remarks emphasized the United States' unwavering support for Ukraine and its people. She called upon Russia to reverse its decision to halt the Black Sea Grain Initiative, cease its unjustifiable act of aggressive warfare, and completely withdraw its armed forces from Ukraine.

Tai also reiterated the United States' commitment to achieving the foundational objectives of the World Trade Organization (WTO), aiming to elevate living standards, ensure full employment, promote sustainable development, and safeguard the environment. She stressed the importance of fostering a flexible and cooperative approach to discussions on reform and advocated for an environment where all Member nations feel comfortable presenting fresh ideas to address complex issues.

Expressing her anticipation for the upcoming 13th WTO Ministerial Conference in 2024, Tai highlighted the need to focus the agenda on significant topics. These topics encompassed the second phase of fisheries negotiations, e-commerce, the work program for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), food security, pandemic response, and WTO reform.

Tai began her address by expressing gratitude to India for its gracious hosting of the G20 and extending hospitality to the attendees. She underscored the interconnectedness of the chosen session topic, "Trade for Growth and Prosperity," with the severe and ongoing impact of Russia's calculated act of aggression against Ukraine.

Moreover, Tai pointed out that Russia's suspension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative a month ago has adversely affected global food prices, endangering the food security of the world's most vulnerable populations. She called for Russia's immediate course reversal, resumption of negotiations, and full implementation of the Initiative to safeguard millions dependent on Ukrainian grain.

Tai further touched on the comprehensive reform efforts within the WTO. These efforts aimed to enhance negotiations, promote transparency, strengthen enforcement of commitments, address unfair practices, and adapt trade policies to current global challenges. She stressed the importance of positioning the WTO for more effective Member engagement, particularly in relation to sustainable development for developing countries.

Addressing the ongoing reform of the WTO's dispute settlement function, Tai highlighted a constructive process in Geneva designed to rectify past shortcomings. This reform, she noted, necessitates a fundamental rethinking of the dispute resolution system to put an end to judicial rulemaking.

In conclusion, Tai offered insights into the upcoming 13th WTO Ministerial Conference, encouraging Members to focus on a comprehensive agenda that addresses previously agreed-upon topics while making proactive decisions at earlier stages to ensure a successful conference outcome. She extended congratulations to India on the success of Chandrayaan-3's lunar landing and called for innovative reform ideas to be presented at the conference in Abu Dhabi.

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