St. Augustine of Hippo

St. Augustine of Hippo

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."- St. Augustine of Hippo

On November 13, 354 St. Augustine was born in Thagaste, which is now Souk-Ahras in modern-day Algeria. He went on to become one of the most important and influential theologians in the history of the Catholic Church. For a thousand years, his ideas served as the cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

The autobiographical 'Confessions', a fascinating philosophical, theological, mystical, poetic, and literary work, tells the tale of his life up to the point of his conversion. It is the most intimate and well-known look into a person's soul ever recorded.

Despite being raised as a Christian from an early age, Augustine led a promiscuous life of vice and soon drifted away from the Church, believing that he wasn't necessarily forsaking Christ.

He traveled to study in Carthage, where he quickly gained notoriety for his sharp intellect and oratory prowess while pursuing a career as a lawyer or orator. But at the age of 19, he also encountered philosophy and fell in love with it. He then pursued this love diligently.

He became interested in Manichaeism at this time because its supporters made him a promise that they had scientific solutions to nature's mysteries, could refute the Bible, and could explain how evil works. For nine years, Augustine became a disciple and learned everything there was to know about it before dismissing it as illogical and deceptive.

In 386, he traveled to Milan and then Rome, where he met Saint Ambrose, a bishop and Doctor of the Church. Augustine eventually came to believe that Christianity was the only real religion thanks to the prayers of his pious mother and the magnificent preaching of St. Ambrose. He did not, however, become a Christian at that time because he felt he could never lead a pure life.

However, he was embarrassed of himself when he learned of two men who had unexpectedly become Christians after reading the life of St. Antony. He said to his friend Alipius, "What are we doing? Unlearned people are taking Heaven by force, while we, with all our knowledge, are so cowardly that we keep rolling around in the mud of our sins!". His mother, Saint Monica, died shortly after he received baptism, knowing that everything she had longed for in this life had come true.

After this, he went back to his homeland of Tagaste in Africa. During a visit to Hippo, he was ordained as a priest and later as a bishop against his will. Later, he came to believe that it was God's will and spent the remainder of his life as the pastor of the North African town. During this time, he spent a lot of time disputing the writings of heretics, lived in extreme poverty and helped the underprivileged, preached frequently, and prayed fervently up until his death.

At the age of 76, Augustine passed away on August 28, 430, as the Vandals were besieging Hippo. Even today, the Church is profoundly influenced by his legacy.

St. Augustine of Hippo is the patron saint of brewers due to his conversion from a lifestyle that included parties, entertainment, and worldly pursuits in his earlier years. Many people who suffer from a particular addiction or habit they want to break have found inspiration in his entire transformation. His feast day is on August 28th.

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