China Expresses Concerns Over Former Indian Military Chiefs' Participation in Security Conference in Taiwan

China Expresses Concerns Over Former Indian Military Chiefs' Participation in Security Conference in Taiwan

Beijing - China's stance on this matter was reiterated by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin on Thursday, in response to a query from a Pakistani journalist regarding reports of three former high-ranking Indian military officials participating in a security dialogue hosted by Taiwanese authorities in Taipei earlier this month.

Wang affirmed that China staunchly opposes any official engagement between Taiwan and countries that maintain diplomatic relations with Beijing. Taiwan, considered by China as an integral part of its mainland, is a subject of persistent objection from Beijing whenever high-ranking foreign officials visit Taipei, as it is viewed as a violation of the one-China principle.

Media accounts have indicated that Admiral Karambir Singh, General M M Naravane, and Chief of Air Staff R K S Bhadauria, former heads of the Indian Navy, Army, and Indian Air Force respectively, recently attended the Ketagalan Forum's 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue held in Taiwan.

In response to inquiries about their participation, Wang reiterated, "China firmly opposes all forms of official interaction between the Taiwan authorities and countries having diplomatic relations with China." He emphasized that this position reflects China's consistent and unambiguous standpoint. He also urged the concerned nation to adhere to the one-China principle, exercise prudence, and responsibly manage Taiwan-related issues, while refraining from engaging in any form of military or security cooperation with Taiwan.

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