Morocco Earthquake's Grim Toll: Death Count Surpasses 2,000

Morocco Earthquake's Grim Toll: Death Count Surpasses 2,000

Rabat - Survivors of the Moroccan earthquake spent a harrowing night exposed to the elements on the High Atlas Mountains on Saturday, just one day after the deadliest quake in Morocco in over six decades claimed the lives of more than 2,000 individuals and devastated numerous villages.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, neighbors continued their desperate search for survivors who were trapped beneath the debris-laden slopes. Houses constructed from mud brick, stone, and rough wood lay fractured, while mosque minarets crumbled from the powerful tremors that struck late on Friday. The historic city of Marrakech also suffered extensive damage.

According to the Interior Ministry, the earthquake resulted in the tragic loss of 2,012 lives, with 2,059 individuals sustaining injuries, including 1,404 in critical condition. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a magnitude of 6.8 for the quake, with an epicenter located approximately 72 km southwest of Marrakech.

In the village of Amizmiz, near the epicenter, rescue workers labored tirelessly, sifting through rubble with their bare hands. Narrow streets were obstructed by fallen masonry, and outside a hospital, the bodies of around 10 victims were covered in blankets as grieving relatives stood nearby.

Mohamed Azaw, a resident of the area, recounted his experience: "When I felt the earth shaking beneath my feet and the house tilting, I rushed to evacuate my children. Unfortunately, my neighbors were unable to do the same. Regrettably, no survivors were found in that family. Both the father and son were found lifeless, and the search continues for the mother and daughter."

Rescue efforts included rescuers standing atop collapsed buildings in Amizmiz, with fragments of carpet and furniture visible amid the rubble. A lengthy queue formed outside the only open shop as people sought essential supplies. Adding to the challenges faced by rescue teams, fallen boulders obstructed a road connecting Amizmiz to a nearby village.

Nearly all the houses in the Asni area, situated approximately 40 km south of Marrakech, suffered damage, leaving villagers preparing to spend the night outdoors. Food supplies dwindled as roofs had caved in on kitchens, according to villager Mohamed Ouhammo.

Montasir Itri, an Asni resident, spoke about the ongoing search for survivors: "Our neighbors are trapped beneath the rubble, and the village is rallying all available resources to rescue them."

The village of Tansghart in the Ansi area, nestled on a hillside along the road from Marrakech into the High Atlas, experienced some of the most severe destruction witnessed by Reuters. Once-charming homes clinging to the steep terrain were rent open by the earthquake's force, while those still standing bore scars, with missing chunks of wall or plaster. Two mosque minarets lay toppled.

Abdellatif Ait Bella, a laborer, lay incapacitated on the ground, his head bandaged from injuries sustained due to falling debris. His wife, Saida Bodchich, expressed their dire situation: "We have no shelter for him, and we have been without food since yesterday. We can only place our trust in God." The village was already mourning 10 casualties, including two teenage girls.

The tremors were felt as far away as southern Spain, in Huelva and Jaen. The World Health Organization reported that more than 300,000 people in Marrakech and the surrounding areas were affected.

Footage from street cameras in Marrakech captured the moment when the earth began to shake, causing panic as people sought refuge from falling debris. In the heart of the old city, a UNESCO World Heritage site, a mosque minaret had collapsed in Jemaa al-Fna Square. Some buildings in the densely populated old city crumbled, compelling residents to remove debris by hand while awaiting heavy machinery.

Morocco declared three days of national mourning, during which the national flag would be flown at half-staff across the country, as announced by the royal court on Saturday.

The Moroccan armed forces pledged to deploy rescue teams, providing affected areas with clean drinking water, food supplies, tents, and blankets.

Turkey, which had suffered from powerful earthquakes in February resulting in more than 50,000 casualties, expressed solidarity and offered support. Despite the diplomatic tensions between Algeria and Morocco, the former said it would open its airspace for humanitarian and medical flights.

The earthquake, occurring at a depth of 18.5 km, typically leads to more destruction compared to deeper quakes of the same magnitude. This disaster marked Morocco's deadliest earthquake since 1960 when a quake was estimated to have claimed at least 12,000 lives, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Mohammad Kashani, an associate professor of structural and earthquake engineering at the University of Southampton, drew parallels between the scenes of devastation and those witnessed in Turkey in February. "The area is full of old and historical buildings, which are mainly masonry. The collapsed reinforced concrete structures that I saw ... were either old or substandard."

Despite the impending annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Marrakech scheduled for October 9, an IMF spokesperson emphasized that their focus at the moment was solely on the people of Morocco and the authorities addressing the tragedy.

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