Hunter Biden Initiates Lawsuit Over Tax Record Disclosure, Citing Privacy Violation

Hunter Biden Initiates Lawsuit Over Tax Record Disclosure, Citing Privacy Violation

Washington - Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has initiated legal action against the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on the grounds of unlawful disclosure of his tax information by IRS whistleblowers. The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, specifically focuses on statements made by IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler during media interviews. These interviews occurred amid an ongoing investigation by House of Representatives Republicans into Hunter Biden's tax records and business dealings.

Hunter Biden, aged 53, has found himself in the midst of a political controversy as House Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry against his father. This inquiry is centered on alleged connections between Hunter's business activities and the policies of President Joe Biden during his tenure as Vice President from 2009 to 2017. However, no concrete evidence has been presented thus far to demonstrate that the elder Biden benefited from his son's business ventures, and the White House has consistently denied any wrongdoing.

Hunter Biden holds the distinction of being the first child of a sitting US president to face criminal charges. Recently, he was charged with three counts related to false statements regarding his use of illegal drugs while purchasing a firearm. Although Hunter Biden and prosecutors had previously reached a plea agreement concerning tax and firearm charges, it ultimately fell apart.

The lawsuit filed on Monday references "more than 20 nationally televised and non-congressionally sanctioned interviews and numerous public statements" made by Shapley, Ziegler, and their legal representatives regarding Hunter Biden. Both Shapley and Ziegler have testified before Congress as whistleblowers regarding alleged political interference in an IRS investigation into Biden's tax matters. The Department of Justice has denied any such interference.

The lawsuit centers on the actions of IRS employees and others who, according to Hunter Biden, deliberately and repeatedly disclosed his confidential tax return information to the public, outside the permissible exceptions under the law. In the suit, Biden seeks compensation of $1,000 for each unauthorized disclosure of his tax information, a formal declaration from the IRS, the implementation of a data security plan by the agency, the production of documents related to his taxes, and other forms of relief.

In response, legal representatives for Gary Shapley characterized the lawsuit as a "frivolous smear" by Hunter Biden's legal team, attempting to divert attention from Hunter Biden's legal issues and to intimidate present and future whistleblowers. Similarly, a lawyer for Joseph Ziegler dismissed the efforts to silence IRS employees and affirmed their determination.

As of now, the IRS has not issued an official comment on the lawsuit. The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee has characterized the lawsuit as "intimidation" in a social media post.

Last week, Hunter Biden also filed a lawsuit against a former White House aide during the Trump administration, alleging the aide's involvement in the release of embarrassing images and emails. This legal action comes as former President Donald Trump faces an impeachment inquiry, making him the first US president to be impeached twice, with acquittals in both Senate trials. Trump also faces four criminal cases this year.

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