Indian Foreign Minister Declares End to the Days of Imposing Agendas at UNGA

Indian Foreign Minister Declares End to the Days of Imposing Agendas at UNGA

New York - India's External Affairs Minister (EAM) S. Jaishankar delivered a keynote address at a high-level session of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, where he outlined India's stance on several global issues and emphasized the need for a fair and democratic global order. Jaishankar is leading the Indian delegation at this year's UNGA.

During his speech, Jaishankar highlighted the importance of respecting territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs while emphasizing that these principles should not be selectively applied. He pointed out that a few nations still shape the global agenda and define norms, but this cannot continue indefinitely and will face challenges. He called for a fair, equitable, and democratic global order that would emerge through collective efforts.

Jaishankar also discussed India's recent achievements, including its successful Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission, digital governance, and its growing infrastructure and startup ecosystem. He clarified that India's aspiration to be a leading power is driven by a sense of responsibility and a desire to make positive contributions to the world.

The minister mentioned India's significant role in the G20 Summit under its presidency and how it focused on diverse policies and initiatives, such as urban development, corruption eradication, hunger alleviation, and quality education.

Jaishankar emphasized India's willingness to engage with various nations, harmonize interests, and collaborate in groups like the QUAD and BRICS. He highlighted India's shift from non-alignment to a role described as "Vishwa Mitra," meaning a friend to the world.

Additionally, he spoke about India's efforts to amplify the voices of the Global South by convening the Voice of the Global South Summit. This initiative allowed India to hear directly from 125 nations and include their concerns in the G20 Agenda.

Jaishankar stressed the importance of including the African Union in the G20, which should inspire the United Nations to modernize the Security Council.

He concluded by expressing India's full support for the UNGA's theme of rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity, underscoring that India had much to share in terms of achievements, challenges, aspirations, and goals.

Before his UNGA address, Jaishankar met with top UN leaders to discuss various global issues, including India's G20 Presidency, regional concerns, sustainable development goals, and reforms for the United Nations Security Council.

In summary, EAM Jaishankar's address at the 78th UNGA highlighted India's stance on global issues, its accomplishments, and its commitment to fostering a fair and democratic world order while emphasizing the importance of collaboration and inclusivity on the international stage.

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