Afghan Embassy in New Delhi Faces Operational Shutdown

Afghan Embassy in New Delhi Faces Operational Shutdown

New Delhi - According to reliable sources, there are indications that the Afghanistan embassy in New Delhi is considering the possibility of ceasing its operations. Sources within the Indian government have mentioned that the Afghan Embassy in New Delhi has apparently issued a communication regarding this matter. The authenticity of this communication and its contents are presently under examination.

The decision to explore this option is reportedly influenced by several factors, including the extended absence of the Ambassador from India over many months, the departure of diplomats to other countries, purportedly after seeking asylum, and reports of internal disputes among embassy staff.

This development follows a recent power struggle that occurred at the Afghan embassy in Delhi. Ambassador Farid Mamundzay, appointed by the previous Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, was engaged in a battle to retain his office, defying the Taliban-led Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul.

It's worth noting that the Taliban has assumed control of at least 14 foreign missions, appointing its own representatives. However, as of now, Delhi has not been included in this list.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in India, aware of the internal strife within the embassy that surfaced in late April, has opted not to take sides. Sources indicate that the MEA communicated to both factions that this was an internal matter requiring resolution through their own efforts.

In June of this year, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs addressed inquiries by stating, "From our perspective, this is an internal matter of the Afghan embassy, and we hope that they would resolve it internally."

It's worth recalling that India had closed its embassy following the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan and the collapse of the Ashraf Ghani government in August 2021. However, India has since established a technical team responsible for coordinating humanitarian aid efforts within Afghanistan.

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