Unmasking the Tactics: How Hamas Tricked Israel in Planning a Devastating Attack

Unmasking the Tactics: How Hamas Tricked Israel in Planning a Devastating Attack

Through a calculated campaign of deceit, Hamas managed to catch Israel off guard when launching its devastating attack. This assault, the most significant breach in Israel's defenses since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, followed two years of intricate subterfuge by Hamas. This campaign involved concealing its military plans and convincing Israel that it had no intentions of engaging in hostilities.

While Israel believed it was keeping a weary Hamas in check by offering economic incentives to Gaza's workforce, the group's fighters were covertly receiving training and conducting drills, often in plain sight, according to a source closely connected to Hamas. This source has provided many details for the account of the attack and its buildup.

"Hamas gave Israel the impression that it was not ready for a fight," the source explained, describing the strategy leading up to this audacious assault, reminiscent of the Yom Kippur War half a century ago when Egypt and Syria took Israel by surprise.

Israel was led to believe that it was dealing with a Hamas more focused on economic stability for Gaza residents than on initiating a new conflict. However, this turned out to be part of Hamas's elaborate deception.

Hamas even went as far as constructing a mock Israeli settlement in Gaza, where they practiced military landings and storming maneuvers, even creating videos of these exercises, all in plain view. Israel may have observed these activities but was convinced that Hamas had no intention of provoking a confrontation.

While another Gaza-based Islamist group, Islamic Jihad, launched its own assaults or rocket attacks during this period, Hamas refrained from military operations against Israel, aiming to project an image of economic concerns rather than a readiness for war.

In this atmosphere, Israel's security services were misled by Hamas. They believed Hamas was primarily interested in financial resources. However, Hamas was secretly engaged in military exercises and training, culminating in the surprise attack.

On the day of the operation, it was divided into four parts, involving rocket barrages, airborne incursions by fighters using hang gliders and motorized paragliders, and the storming of fortified barriers using explosives and motorbikes. Hostages were also moved to Gaza during the early stages of the attack.

Hamas exploited Israel's troop redeployments and distractions, taking advantage of vulnerabilities and achieving results beyond expectations. Israel's intelligence and military apparatus in the south were seen as having failed, leading to a determination to confront Hamas decisively.

This audacious attack by Hamas has refocused Israel's approach, with a resolve to deal with the threat posed by Hamas in a more determined manner.

News Courtesy Reuters

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