How Hamas Meticulously Planned the Latest Israel Invasion

How Hamas Meticulously Planned the Latest Israel Invasion

The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel during the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, catching Israeli defenses off guard, the most significant breach in Israel's security since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, resulting in a devastating series of events.

The assault began at approximately 6:30 a.m. (0430 GMT) when Hamas initiated a massive rocket barrage that extended across southern Israel, with sirens heard as far away as Tel Aviv.

Hamas claimed to have fired 3,000 rockets, while Israel's military reported 2,500 rocket launches. This barrage caused panic among Israeli civilians as rockets reached cities as distant as Jerusalem, tragically resulting in at least one reported casualty.

Amidst the chaos of the rocket attacks, Hamas executed an unprecedented, multi-pronged infiltration operation, breaching Israeli borders. The Israeli military confirmed the presence of Palestinian gunmen inside Israel by 7:40 a.m. (0540 GMT). Israeli television channels reported a rising death toll from the Hamas attack, reaching as high as 900.

Hamas had meticulously organized a force of approximately 1,000 fighters, assembling them into specialized units for this operation, according to a source close to the group.

In response, Israel swiftly retaliated, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Hamas fighters and the capture of many more. The Israeli air force conducted extensive airstrikes in Gaza, targeting numerous locations, including rocket launchers, a mosque in Shejaiya where militants were operating, and 21 high-rise buildings linked to militant activities. The strikes also impacted housing blocks, tunnels, and homes of Hamas officials, tragically claiming the lives of over 400 individuals, including 20 children.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant warned that the consequences for the Gaza Strip would be severe, with long-lasting effects on future generations. By Monday afternoon, Hamas reported that over 500 people had been killed, 2,700 were wounded, and 80,000 had been displaced in Gaza as a result of the extensive Israeli airstrikes, which included warplanes, drones, helicopters, and artillery fire. Gaza had no designated protected shelters for times of war, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

Beyond the borders of blockaded Gaza, Israeli forces engaged in hostilities with Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah militia, exchanging artillery and rocket fire. Additionally, in Egypt, two Israeli tourists and a guide were tragically shot dead.

While appeals for restraint poured in from around the world, Western nations generally expressed support for Israel, while Iran, Hezbollah, and protesters in several Middle Eastern countries praised Hamas. The situation continues to evolve rapidly, with international concern growing over the escalating conflict.

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