Rishi Sunak's Visit Coincides with Potential Diwali Signing of India-UK Free Trade Agreement

Rishi Sunak's Visit Coincides with Potential Diwali Signing of India-UK Free Trade Agreement

New Delhi - India and the United Kingdom (UK) appear poised to finalize a Foreign Trade Agreement (FTA) before the end of October, with both parties striving to resolve key matters, including rules of origin and visas for Indian professionals. Although the bilateral agreement missed its initial Diwali 2022 deadline, it is now expected to be inked during the potential visit of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to New Delhi in the last week of this month, as disclosed by undisclosed government sources.

One official disclosed that there has been consistent progress regarding rules of origin, while the negotiation over the mobility of Indian professionals to the UK remains ongoing. "Both sides are considering their interests," the official emphasized.

India has advocated for short-term visas for skilled professionals, especially those who intend to work in the UK for specific projects on a limited-time basis. These professionals would not require long-term permits. Conversely, the UK has been cautious about expanding the current quota of nearly one hundred thousand annual work visas allocated to Indian nationals.

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