"Wars Are Always Wrong, Children Will Save Us", Pope Francis Responds to Children in New Illustrated Book

Vatican City - Pope Francis provides profound insights on critical global issues through his responses to inquiries posed by children worldwide, in a heartwarming and enlightening illustrated book titled 'Dear Children... the Pope Answers Your Questions,'

The book, published in Italian by Mondadori ElectaKids under the title "Cari bambini … il Papa risponde alle vostre domande," offers a unique perspective on Pope Francis's views on important topics, as seen through the unfiltered eyes of children.

The Question of War
One poignant question comes from Dario, a ten-year-old boy from Spain, who directly asks the Pope, "Why are there wars?" In response, Pope Francis thoughtfully explains that wars often arise when adults succumb to the temptations of selfishness, power, and money. He elaborates on how the desire for dominance can lead to conflicts, even if it means taking lives and causing immense suffering. The Holy Father utilizes the term "imperial self-interest" to provide children with a historical context for understanding such conflicts while emphasizing that wars are always fundamentally wrong.

Hope for World Peace
Isabela, a nine-year-old from Panama, seeks the Pope's opinion on the possibility of achieving world peace. In a response filled with hope, Pope Francis affirms that peace is indeed possible. He calls upon people of all backgrounds to commit to disarmament, reduce violence, and eradicate the desire for power and wealth. By fostering love and compassion for one another, especially for those in need, the Holy Father believes that aggression and fear can diminish, ultimately leading to a more peaceful and content world.

Children as Wise Teachers
Pope Francis acknowledges the wisdom of children and their pure hearts. He notes that children have the remarkable ability to speak the truth openly and without prejudice, which in turn helps adults, including parents, live more honestly and generously. Additionally, children help keep adults humble by viewing them simply as caregivers rather than important figures based on prestige or fame, disconcerting those who may be overly narcissistic.

Caring for Our Planet
Throughout his responses, Pope Francis underscores his deep concern for nature and the impact of climate change and pollution caused by human activity. He warns that these issues could threaten humanity's existence through global warming, environmental degradation, and the spread of lethal diseases. However, he places faith in the collective awareness of young people who understand the importance of safeguarding the future. The Holy Father encourages responsible behaviour in daily life, such as recycling and conserving resources, while emphasizing the need for international ecological measures and individual efforts to care for the planet.

A Message of Hope from a Refugee Camp
Samuel, a ten-year-old from Sudan living in a refugee camp, shares his experiences of living with malnourished friends. Despite his difficult circumstances, he often smiles but sometimes feels the urge to cry. Pope Francis offers words of comfort for him and expresses his belief that all children should have access to education and spaces to play and have fun. He condemns the idea that Africa should be exploited without help and encourages Samuel to hold onto hope for a better future, with the expectation that richer countries will recognize their role in improving the lives of those facing hardship.

Promoting Fraternity
Alessandro, a ten-year-old from Italy, asks the Pope about adults who resist the idea of families from poorer regions coming to their countries. The Holy Father underscores the importance of "social friendship" and the need to treat one another as brothers and sisters, irrespective of their background. He encourages children to be inclusive and welcoming to newcomers, helping bridge cultural and societal divides. Children, he reiterates, offer a powerful message: isolation is counterproductive, and embracing diversity fosters the common good.

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