Pope Francis Calls Holy Family Catholic Parish in Gaza

Pope Francis Calls Holy Family Catholic Parish in Gaza

In a heartwarming gesture of solidarity, Pope Francis reached out to the parishioners of the Holy Family Catholic Parish in Gaza, offering his prayers and encouragement to the community enduring immense suffering.

Sister Nabila Saleh, a member of the Rosary Sisters of Jerusalem serving in the Holy Family Parish, shared the details of the phone call she received from the Pope on Monday evening.

The Holy Family Parish holds a unique distinction as the sole Latin rite parish in Gaza. During the conversation, Sister Saleh revealed that the Pope initially contacted the parish priest, Fr. Yusuf, who later handed her the phone, explaining that the priest wasn't fluent in Italian.

During the call, Pope Francis displayed a deep concern for the people of Gaza, inquiring about the number of individuals taking refuge in the parish's facilities. Sister Saleh informed the Pope that approximately 500 people, including the sick, families, children, the disabled, and those who have lost their homes and possessions, were seeking shelter at the parish.

She expressed her gratitude for the Pope's blessings and his unwavering support through prayer, which provided much-needed courage to the community.

Sister Saleh took the opportunity to ask Pope Francis to make an appeal for peace and informed him that Catholics in Gaza were dedicating their sufferings to end the ongoing conflict, promote peace, support the Church's needs, and contribute to the ongoing Synod.

The parishioners of Holy Family Parish were greatly moved by the Pope's outreach, recognizing his tireless efforts for peace and the welfare of the Christian community in Gaza.

Amid the challenging situation in Gaza, Sister Saleh revealed that the community was rallying together to support one another and pray fervently for peace. Daily Masses and Rosary prayers with children and their families have become a source of solace and spiritual strength.

A poignant moment recently occurred when the parish priest conducted a Mass and baptized a child into the Christian faith, offering a ray of hope and renewal for the entire community, despite the prevailing adversity.

Sister Saleh concluded the interview with a passionate appeal for peace and justice in Palestine. She emphasized the urgent need for an end to the brutal war, as many have already lost loved ones, homes, and belongings.

The plea for justice and the right to live in peace was directed at ensuring that the Palestinian people are not unfairly penalized due to the actions of a radical group. Sister Saleh humbly requested that people around the world keep Gaza in their thoughts and prayers during these trying times.

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