Biden tells Hospital Explosion caused by ‘other team’, IDF publishes intercepted Hamas recording

Biden tells Hospital Explosion caused by ‘other team’, IDF publishes intercepted Hamas recording

Tel Aviv - U.S. President Joe Biden during his visit to Tel Aviv, said 'Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team', referring to the recent explosion at al-Ahli hospital in Gaza.

Israel's foreign ministry has released what it asserts is an intercepted call between two individuals linked to Hamas. In the call, these individuals purportedly discuss an incident in which the al-Ahli Arab hospital was reportedly struck by a misfired rocket originating from within Gaza.

The call was presented during an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson's press briefing on Wednesday. During this briefing, Israel rejected responsibility for the hospital explosion, attributing the incident to a misfired rocket.

President Biden began his remarks by reaffirming the United States' position in the conflict. "I wanted to be here today for a simple reason: I want the people of Israel and the people of the world to know where the United States stands," he stated.

Biden acknowledged the distressing situation in Gaza, where he mentioned that the explosion at the hospital had raised questions. He publicly endorsed Israel's version of events, suggesting that Gazan terror groups were likely responsible. However, he acknowledged that there is uncertainty surrounding this incident.

The President also highlighted the actions of Hamas, a Palestinian militant organization, during the conflict. He stated that Hamas had "slaughtered" over 1,300 people, including 31 Americans, and had taken scores of people hostage, including children. Biden emphasized that the world was closely watching the situation and that the U.S. would continue to support Israel in defending itself.

In his address, President Biden made a critical distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people, noting that the actions of the militant group do not represent the entire Palestinian population. He emphasized the importance of providing assistance to innocent Palestinians affected by the conflict.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also spoke during the visit, detailing the crimes committed by Hamas during the crisis. He described heinous acts such as rape, burning, kidnapping, and the targeting of small children. Netanyahu mentioned that the death toll had reached 1,400, and possibly more.

Netanyahu stressed that Hamas had murdered children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children, in addition to other horrific acts.

President Biden's visit to Israel is significant as he is the first-ever U.S. president to visit the country during a time of war. Netanyahu expressed his deep appreciation for Biden's support and commitment to Israel.

The two leaders did not address the humanitarian situation in Gaza or the recent hospital explosion during their remarks. The incident, in which Hamas blamed Israel while the IDF provided evidence of a misfired Palestinian Terrorist Jihad rocket, remains a point of contention in the ongoing conflict.

Netanyahu concluded by thanking President Biden for standing with Israel during these challenging times and for the unprecedented cooperation and support provided by the United States. The visit serves as a testament to the strong relationship between the two nations during a period of crisis.

The U.S. President's visit has undoubtedly brought attention to the Israel-Gaza conflict, emphasizing the importance of finding a peaceful resolution to end the ongoing violence.

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