Nestled in a remote corner near the Kazakhstan border, a secluded body of water undergoes a remarkable transformation, offering a unique spectacle - a train gracefully gliding across the lake's surface.
The Intriguing Train on the Pink Lake
What makes Lake Burlinskoye even more captivating is the presence of a train that elegantly traverses its surface. This surreal sight, reminiscent of a fantasy, repeats multiple times daily. The train, running on tracks with origins dating back to the Soviet era, maneuvers the lake's shores with astonishing grace. Despite sections of the tracks occasionally dipping beneath the lake's surface, they withstand the lake's high salinity, rivaling that of the Dead Sea.
The Fascinating Salt Harvesting Operation
Surprisingly, the lake's extreme salinity is precisely why this train embarks on its unique aquatic journey. Equipped with specialized harvesting tools, the train stirs the lake's bed and collects the sediment in trailing cars. This age-old practice has a royal history, with Russian monarchs, including Peter the Great, holding the lake's salt production in such high regard that it earned the name "the royal salt shaker."
Today, this salt harvesting process is mechanized, yielding an impressive 65,000 tons of salt annually, sufficient to meet humanity's dietary salt needs for several days.
An Unusual and Intriguing Experience
Renowned travel photographer Vadim Makhorov explains the process: "They literally scrub the lake bottom and bring the mixture of salt and silt into the train, which gets into the water along the railway. When you watch it for the first time, it looks so bizarre!" While a vividly colored lake is not unique to this corner of Russia, Lake Burlinskoye offers a unique blend of natural beauty and industrial innovation. It serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving this natural wonder. Visitors are encouraged to remain on the railway to ensure the lake and its ecosystem remain undisturbed.

The Natural Phenomenon: A Pink Lake in Siberia
Siberia, often associated with harsh winters and vast wilderness, harbors a hidden gem each summer: Lake Burlinskoye. This surreal transformation is driven by a surge in tiny artemia salina brine shrimp, renowned for their hemoglobin pigmentation that imparts the lake's distinctive pink hue. While limited accessibility may discourage some, the lake attracts tourists from around the world, with some seeking the perceived medicinal properties of its waters.
"The Enchanted Journey of the Train Across a Pink Lake" represents a unique fusion of the natural world and human industry, making it a destination not to be missed for those in search of an extraordinary experience in the heart of Siberia.