Tragic Glass Bridge Collapse Claims Tourist's Life in Indonesia

Tragic Glass Bridge Collapse Claims Tourist's Life in Indonesia

Indonesia - A tragic incident unfolded at a popular Indonesian beauty spot, as one tourist lost their life and three others were injured when a glass walkway shattered. The tragedy occurred while a group of 11 tourists from Cilacep, Central Java, was crossing the Geong bridge at approximately 10 am on Wednesday. This glass bridge was suspended some 30 feet (10 meters) above the forest floor.

Two of the tourists fell through the shattered glass and landed in the Limpakuwus Pine Forest below, resulting in one fatality. The other individual sustained minor injuries.
Meanwhile, two more tourists were thrown by the abrupt collapse but managed to hold on to the bridge's frame. Video footage captured the courageous efforts of onlookers as they helped these individuals off the bridge.

Local authorities have launched an investigation into the incident and established a crime scene. There have been claims that the management of the attraction ignored prior safety complaints regarding the bridge.

Concerned individuals swiftly rallied to aid a tourist who appeared to have fallen through the shattered glass. Nearby video footage captures the struggle of a tourist attempting to ascend immediately after the glass walkway shattered earlier this week.

The camera's focus then shifts to reveal the body of another unidentified tourist who had plunged through the broken glass. Above, onlookers hurried to assist the stranded tourist before guiding them off the bridge to safety. While not visible in the video, ten of the tourists managed to escape the incident without harm, with only three sustaining minor injuries.

In April, Ekop Purnomo, the chairman of the Limpakuwus Pine Forest Cooperative, contacted the manager of The Geong when the bridge first opened, requesting a safety assessment. He did so in response to complaints on social media, expressing concerns about the bridge's safety. Purnomo claimed that up to five percent of visitors had voiced their complaints online.

He further revealed that the bridge manager opted not to participate in a meeting to review safety standards and instead sent a representative, resulting in no substantive discussion. This information was shared by Purnomo on Wednesday. As the investigation continues, Purnomo, in cooperation with local law enforcement, agreed to temporarily close the forest, which is managed separately from the bridge.

Officials from the Central Java Forensic Laboratory are conducting an investigation at the fractured bridge situated within the Limpakuwus Pine Forest.

Back in 2021, a tourist found themselves in a perilous situation when strong winds damaged the glass panels of a 330-foot-high bridge in China. This glass-bottomed bridge is part of a resort nestled in the Piyan Mountain within the city of Longjing, China.

A chilling photograph purportedly depicted a man desperately clutching the railing as winds reaching speeds of up to 90 miles per hour dislodged several glass panels on a Friday. The man remained stranded on the bridge for a brief period, but with the assistance of firefighters, police, and forestry and tourism personnel, he managed to crawl to safety.

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