Patriarch Pizzaballa Appeals for Support for Church's Aid in Holy Land

Patriarch Pizzaballa Appeals for Support for Church's Aid in Holy Land

Amid the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, has issued an urgent plea for financial assistance to support the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in its efforts to aid those affected by the war in the Holy Land.

The Cardinal Patriarch expressed the importance of charity and prayer during times of extreme hardship and emphasized the need for solidarity. He highlighted the role of the Latin Patriarchate in providing support during previous crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the Beirut port explosion in 2020, and the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

Apart from the immediate consequences of death, destruction, and hunger in Gaza, the war has also resulted in economic hardships and job losses, affecting families in various parts of the Holy Land, particularly in Bethlehem and the West Bank. The Patriarch emphasized that the crisis is impacting families from different religions and various institutions, including schools, hospitals, and parishes.

Patriarch Pizzaballa revealed that their material resources have extended beyond their walls to help suffering neighbors and refugees in other locations, providing essentials like food, water, medicines, and supplies.

In his concluding message, the Cardinal Patriarch appealed for financial support to enable the Patriarchate to continue its humanitarian aid efforts, with the aim of sowing the seeds of trust, hope, and love in a society scarred by hatred.
Donation details are available in the official appeal for those who wish to contribute to this critical humanitarian mission.

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