'Rejoice in Hope’, Pope Francis Reminds Youth is a Time of Hopes and Dreams

'Rejoice in Hope’, Pope Francis Reminds Youth is a Time of Hopes and Dreams

Pope Francis, in anticipation of the 38th diocesan World Youth Day on November 26, 2023, has conveyed a message titled "Rejoicing in Hope," emphasizing the significance of maintaining hope in a world marred by crises.

Describing youth as a period of "hopes and dreams," the Pope acknowledges the current challenges, stating that many, especially the young, feel a sense of hopelessness in a world plagued by war and crisis.

The theme, "Rejoice in Hope," drawn from St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, serves as the focal point for Pope Francis' reflection. He distinguishes Christian hope from mere optimism, asserting that it stems from an encounter with Christ, transcending human efforts. This hope, rooted in love and faith, assures believers that God remains steadfast in His promise, even in the darkest of times.

Pope Francis proposes two strategies for nurturing hope amid adversity. Firstly, he underscores the source of Christian joy, emphasizing that it arises from an awareness of God's love.Secondly, he encourages believers to recognize their role in being part of God's solution to the world's challenges, serving as signs of His love even in seemingly hopeless situations.

The Pope stresses the importance of sharing the received joy and hope, warning against keeping it selfishly. He urges the youth to support friends who may be concealing despair behind a smile and cautions against succumbing to indifference and individualism. In conclusion, Pope Francis emphasizes that Christian hope is not to be hoarded but shared with everyone, describing it as a gift meant for the broader community.

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