Pope Francis Urges Silence, Mysticism, and Mission in a Noisy World: Lessons from María de Jesús de Ágreda's Life

Pope Francis Urges Silence, Mysticism, and Mission in a Noisy World: Lessons from María de Jesús de Ágreda's Life

Pope Francis, addressing participants at the International Congress on Venerable María de Jesús de Ágreda, underscored the vital lessons of silence, mysticism, and mission drawn from Mother Ágreda's remarkable life.

Extending a warm welcome to attendees, the Pope expressed his joy for the event organized by the Pontifical International Marian Academy, giving special acknowledgment to the Conceptionist Mothers, including those who journeyed from his homeland, Argentina.

Emphasizing the first lesson of silence, Pope Francis highlighted the significance of listening and embracing the voice of the Beloved, the eternal Word of the Father. He noted the unique capacity of women to listen and their special vocation in doing so, urging all to follow Mary's example of treasuring everything in their hearts.

Continuing his discourse, the Pope delved into the second lesson of mysticism, describing it as an intimate relationship with God stemming from the attentive study of Sacred Scripture.

In a world filled with noise and distractions, he stressed the need for contemplative silence before the Lord.
The third and final lesson centered on mission, exemplified by Mother Ágreda and the Concepcionist nuns. Pope Francis highlighted the missionary spirit inherent in contemplative life, emphasizing the strength of intercessory prayer and citing Mother Ágreda's prayers for souls receptive to baptism.

Drawing parallels from the wedding at Cana, the Holy Father concluded by underlining Mary's pivotal role in revealing Christ. "Mary never does this, Mary points to her son, she reveals him at Cana," he concluded, highlighting the importance of Mary in directing attention to Christ in a noisy world that craves the solace of contemplative silence.

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