Christians, Be Fearless Messengers of Love for All : Pope Francis

Christians, Be Fearless Messengers of Love for All : Pope Francis

In his latest weekly General Audience, Pope Francis underscored the universal essence of Christian proclamation, emphasizing that encountering Jesus and spreading the Gospel is a calling for all, transcending boundaries.

Addressing the faithful on November 22,  Holy Father revisited the previous week's theme of "joy" in Christian proclamation and delved into the second aspect – its universality.

Pope Francis stated, "When we truly encounter the Lord Jesus, the wonder of this meeting permeates our life and calls us to go beyond ourselves." He highlighted the Gospel's humanizing power, asserting that it holds the fulfillment of life for every individual.

 Pope reiterated his point from the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium, asserting that everyone has a "right to receive the Gospel," emphasizing the Christian duty to proclaim it without exclusion. "Let us feel that we are at the service of the universal destination of the Gospel," Pope Francis urged, encouraging a capacity to overcome limitations.

Drawing from the Gospel of Matthew,  Pope recounted the story of a Canaanite woman seeking healing for her daughter. Jesus initially expressed His mission for Israelites, but the woman's persistent faith moved Him to grant her request.

Pope Francis highlighted this encounter as a unique lesson, where Jesus recognizes that His preaching should not be confined but open to all.

Concluding his discourse, the Holy Father emphasized that those called by the Lord are chosen to reach others. He referred to it as a "pact," emphasizing the responsibility and burden of being chosen by the Lord. Being called by God, he concluded, is about becoming free and courageous instruments of inclusive love.

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