Pope Francis Commemorates 10th Anniversary of "Evangelii Gaudium" with Emphasis on the Church's Commitment to the Poor

Pope Francis Commemorates 10th Anniversary of

In a message relayed to participants at a symposium dedicated to his 2013 Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium," Pope Francis underscored the enduring significance of placing the poor at the heart of the Church's proclamation of salvation in Christ.

Reflecting on the challenges of contemporary times, he remarked that while difficulties may be less overt, they operate insidiously, akin to silent killers like anesthesia or carbon monoxide.

Pope recalled the call within "Evangelii Gaudium" for the Church to reclaim the missionary joy of early Christians, emphasizing that the modern era presents less visible yet equally potent challenges. He cautioned against the subtle influences of human weakness, selfishness, and concupiscence, stressing their persistent presence throughout history.

Highlighting a central theme of the Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis reiterated that the Church's evangelizing mission and Christian life cannot ignore the plight of the poor.

Drawing attention to Jesus' example of being born in a stable and prioritizing the dispossessed, he insisted that the poor must remain at the core of the Church's focus.

Addressing the root causes of poverty and social issues, Pope, in line with "Evangelii Gaudium," called for Christians to confront inequality. He advocated for transformative shifts in social structures and mentalities to counteract the autonomy of market forces and financial speculation, linking such changes to broader global challenges like climate change, health crises, and migration.

Connecting his encyclical "Laudato si'" to these concerns, Pope Francis emphasized that the climate crisis is intricately tied to economic inequality. He urged Christians to heed the cries of the poor and the Earth, emphasizing the need to fulfill the evangelizing mission while living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.

In conclusion, Pope Francis expressed gratitude for the symposium, blessed the participants, and extended his prayers for their endeavors. Pope's message emphasized the ongoing relevance of "Evangelii Gaudium" and the imperative for the Church to remain steadfast in its commitment to the poor amid evolving societal challenges.

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