Do not inflict wounds on the body of Christ, Pope Francis urges Ernakulam-Angamaly Archeparchy to offer Holy Eucharist prescribed by Synod

Do not inflict wounds on the body of Christ, Pope Francis urges Ernakulam-Angamaly Archeparchy to offer Holy Eucharist prescribed by Synod

Vatican City – Pope Francis has urged the faithful of the Syro-Malabar Archeparchy of Ernakulam- to adhere to the directives of the Holy Synod on the uninform celebration of the Holy Qurbana or risk being declared outside of communion with the Church.

The Archeparchy has been the centre of an ongoing conflict concerning the way the Holy Eucharist is celebrated. A compromise liturgical practice was endorsed and imposed by the Holy Synod – the highest ecclesial authority in the Syro-Malabar Church. Although the Synod’s decision concerning the Eucharistic liturgy, or “Qurbana”, was received by the other dioceses within the Church, the Major Archeparchy has largely refused to conform, leading to conflict and at times even violence, as the Pope notes.

In a video message, Pope Francis points out that the opposition goes beyond liturgical concerns, rather to other secular motivations driving the dissent within the Major Archeparchy.

Transcription of the video message reads as follows :-

My dear brothers and sisters of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly, I am with you!

I have been following you for years; I am aware of the faith and apostolic commitment of the beloved members of the Syro-Malabar Church, which gives joy and pride to the Universal Church; Therefore, my heart is filled with sorrow as I speak to you today.

Your Synod of Bishops, after long and painstaking efforts, reached an agreement on the method of offering the Holy Eucharist. Although some of the bishops of the synod judged that this was not the most ideal decision, the desire and love for unity motivated all the members of the synod to come to a uniform decision. These are sacrifices they endured for the sake of unity!

The church is a community. If there is no fellowship, there is no church, rather it will be a fragmented section.

I am aware that some, especially the priests, who ought to be the models of the community and true teachers of the communion, have been urging you for years to disobey and oppose the decisions of the Synod. Brothers and sisters, do not follow them!

Non-peaceful discussions create violence. There has been, and still there is, violence among you, especially against those who wish to remain in communion and celebrate the Mass as decided by your (Syro-Malabar) Church.

I have also asked you many times to be loyal to the Church. How can there be a Mass where the Eucharist is disrespected, fellowship is broken, and fights and strife continue?

I know that some of the reasons for objection have nothing to do with the Eucharist or liturgy. They are worldly reasons. They do not come from the Holy Spirit. If not from the Holy Spirit, they come from elsewhere.

For this reason, I have carefully studied the reasons put forward over the years to convince you. I myself have already written letters to you several times, but I know that my letters have not been read in general for the knowledge of all believers.

I have decided to address you, faithful saints of God, priests, monks and nuns, and above all, lay brothers who have much faith in the Lord and love the Church. I do this in an unusual way, because no one should ever doubt what the Pope is thinking.

I ask you in the name of the Lord: heal this wound for the spiritual good of your Church, our Church. This is your church, this is our church. Restore communion and remain in the Catholic Church!

Priests, remember your Sacrament of Holy Order and the commitment made through it. Do not deviate from the path of your Church and walk with the Synod, your Bishops and the Major Archbishop. Carry out what your synod decides.

I have sent Archbishop Cyril Vasil as my representative to you. He came among you; He also asked you, on my behalf, to stop the struggle, opposition and sometimes violence. Unfortunately, they still exist!

Don't you see that these kinds of struggles hinder the growth of the church and destroy many good initiatives that help the ministry of God's saints and the sanctification of God's people?

Ensure that your archdiocese, together with all other dioceses in your Church, with modesty and sanctity, offer the Holy Eucharist on the Feast of Nativity of our Lord as decided by the Synod.

I urge you to be careful! Be careful not to let the devil turn you into a schism.

Do not create a compelling situation where the authorities in charge witness you leaving the church because you do not cooperate with the Successor of Peter and your pastors who are called to strengthen all brothers and sisters in faith and church unity. If so, appropriate ecclesiastical action, with great pains, will have to be taken. I do not wish to get to that.

Therefore, on this coming Feast of Nativity of our Lord, the Holy Eucharist should be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly, following the instructions of the Synod, as is done throughout the Syro-Malabar Church. You should name your Major Archbishop in the Liturgy and pray for him. This has always been an important sign of church fellowship. Then it will be a blessed celebration of Nativity for all your believers.

Please do not continue to inflict wounds on the body of Christ! Do not separate yourself from the Church! Forgive them liberally if they have wronged you.

Let the Holy Eucharist be your example of unity. Do not put off the body of Christ, which is the church, and eat and drink your own judgment (1 Cor 11:29).

May the Lord bless you and may the Holy Spirit enlighten you. Please also be prepared to pray for me too.

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