Rapid Transformation: China Acknowledges India's Ascendancy as a Global Power

Rapid Transformation: China Acknowledges India's Ascendancy as a Global Power

Beijing - The Global Times, a prominent Chinese state-run newspaper, has commended India's strategic confidence and proactive approach in shaping a distinctive "Bharat narrative," according to an opinion piece by Zhang Jiadong, the director of the Centre for South Asian Studies at Fudan University. Published on January 2, the article highlighted India's notable achievements over the past four years, acknowledging economic growth, improvements in urban governance, and a shifting attitude in international relations, particularly with China.

Zhang emphasized India's economic successes, stating, "On the one hand, India has made great achievements in economic development and social governance. Its economy has gained momentum and is on track to becoming one of the fastest-growing major economies." He noted a change in India's approach to trade imbalances, with a focus on its export potential.

The piece also underscored India's evolution in the political and cultural spheres, transitioning from emphasizing democratic consensus with the West to highlighting the 'Indian feature' of democratic politics. Zhang suggested that this shift reflects India's ambition to move beyond its historical colonial past and assume the role of a "world mentor" in both political and cultural dimensions.

Zhang applauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi's multi-alignment strategy, highlighting its success in strengthening relations with the US, Japan, and Russia, while also maintaining a nuanced stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He noted that India, under Modi's leadership, has rapidly transformed towards becoming a pole in the multipolar world, a strategic shift observed within less than a decade.

Recognizing India as a "major power" in the global arena, Zhang concluded, "It appears that a transformed, stronger, and more assertive India has become a new geopolitical factor that many countries need to consider."

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