US, UK Conducts Fresh Air Strikes on Houthis to Protect "Free Flow of Commerce”

US, UK Conducts Fresh Air Strikes on Houthis to Protect

In a fresh series of coordinated airstrikes, the United States and the United Kingdom targeted Houthi positions in Yemen, aiming at eight locations, including an underground storage site and missile facilities. The strikes, supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, were carried out to safeguard the free flow of commerce in the Red Sea. This marks the eighth US-led strike against Houthi targets, with the UK participating in its second joint operation.

The Pentagon issued a joint statement emphasizing the necessity of these proportional strikes to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the crucial Red Sea region. US fighter jets from the USS Eisenhower and four RAF Typhoons, backed by Voyager tankers, were involved in the operation. The strikes utilized precision-guided bombs to target military sites near Sanaa airfield, identified as locations facilitating Houthi attacks on international shipping.

UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps described the airstrikes as self-defense against the Houthi's intolerable attacks on merchant shipping, emphasizing the aim to degrade Houthi capabilities and thwart their threats to global trade. The strikes, conducted under Operation Poseidon Archer, come ten days after the previous joint operation.

The Houthi-run Al Masirah TV reported strikes in various Yemeni provinces, including the al-Dailami air base. Despite previous strikes and attempts to degrade Houthi missile stocks, the group remains defiant, continuing its attacks on shipping suspected of ties to Israel, the US, or the UK.

This latest round of airstrikes follows a phone call between US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, during which they discussed the ongoing Iranian-backed Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. Both leaders reiterated their commitment to freedom of navigation, international commerce, and the defense of mariners against unjustifiable attacks.

The Houthi attacks on merchant vessels began in response to Israel's military operations in Gaza, leading to a series of strikes by the US and its allies. The situation underscores the complex geopolitical dynamics in the region, with the Houthis enjoying support from Iran and claiming alignment with the Iran-backed 'Axis of Resistance' against Israel.

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