10,000 Children Killed in Middle East Conflict, Says Vicar of Custody of the Holy Land

10,000 Children Killed in Middle East Conflict, Says Vicar of Custody of the Holy Land

In a recent interview with Vatican News, Father Ibrahim Faltas, the Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, has revealed the devastating toll of the Israel-Hamas War, emphasizing that more than 10,000 children have lost their lives since the conflict began. Speaking to Vatican News' Federico Piana, Father Faltas expressed deep concern about the escalating humanitarian crisis, citing staggering numbers: "We have reached almost 30,000 dead and more than 60,000 wounded. There have been 40,000 children orphaned and 10,000 children killed."

As the conflict entered its 100th day this month, Father Faltas drew attention to the plight of the West Bank, where he reported 400 bodies and over 10,000 wounded individuals. He underscored the broader implications, warning of the potential for a "third world war" as violence ripples beyond the Holy Land, affecting regions like southern Lebanon and Yemen.

Expressing astonishment and indignation at the silence of some world leaders, Father Faltas lamented the absence of a unified call for a ceasefire. He contrasted this with Pope Francis, who, he noted, has been vocal in advocating for an end to the conflict.

In Gaza, the Vicar highlighted the dire conditions faced by the Christian community, confined to two churches with limited access to essentials. Father Faltas urged global attention to the humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the urgent need for intervention to provide basic necessities to the people of Gaza.

In a passionate plea, Father Faltas shared his dream of bringing wounded children from Gaza to Italy for treatment, hoping to save them from the imminent threat of death. He reiterated the pressing need for international leaders to act, emphasizing that the proposed "two peoples, two-State" solution must now be put into practice for the well-being of both Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land.

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