Pope Commemorates Fr. Hamel as a Beacon Against Violent Acts in the Name of God

Pope Commemorates Fr. Hamel as a Beacon Against Violent Acts in the Name of God

In a recent communication to the 27th edition of the International Days of Saint Francis de Sales in Lourdes, Pope Francis lauded the exemplary life of Father Jacques Hamel, the French priest tragically killed in 2016, as a beacon of peace and kindness amidst senseless violence purportedly in the name of God. Pope's message, delivered during the presentation of the Father Jacques Hamel Award, emphasized the need to disseminate the priest's indelible testimony as an antidote to the rising tide of violence, intolerance, and hatred in today's societies.

This year, the Father Jacques Hamel Award honored two journalists, Sarah-Christine Bourihane from Canada and Romina Gobbo from Italy, recognizing their contributions to peace and interreligious dialogue. Pope Francis underscored the award's significance, given its mission to encourage those dedicated to fostering a more fraternal world while respecting diverse convictions.

Reflecting on the tragic events surrounding Father Hamel's murder almost seven years ago by two Islamic extremists, Pope condemned violence in the name of God as blasphemy. He asserted that misinformation, a pervasive challenge of our times, fosters division and radicalization. Pope Francis urged journalists to champion truth in their work, emphasizing its role in combating the spread of violence under the guise of religious conviction.

Pope Francis called on journalists to approach their profession with respect for readers and a commitment to portraying authentic narratives. He stressed the importance of being true and genuine in human relationships and intellectual pursuits, noting that this approach could deepen faith and contribute to a culture of fraternity that respects differences.

Furthermore,  Pope encouraged communicators to avoid stereotypes, courageously denounce errors, and combat deviations that violate human dignity and fraternity. He concluded by inviting journalists to use both their intellect and compassion in offering a Christian perspective on events, fostering a culture that transcends aggression and promotes a society rooted in goodness and understanding.

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