Pope Francis Celebrates Liturgy as a Personal Encounter with God

Pope Francis Celebrates Liturgy as a Personal Encounter with God

Pope Francis recently welcomed liturgical scholars from Spain, offering encouragement for their sacred work of facilitating a closer connection to God through the sacred Liturgy. During his meeting with professors and students from the Athenaeum University of Saint Pacian of Barcelona at the Vatican, Pope expressed deep admiration for the sacred liturgy as a profound personal and communal experience with God.

He emphasized the immense significance of the liturgy and recalled his declaration of this year as a Year of Prayer leading up to the Jubilee of Hope in 2025. Pope stressed the importance of reflecting on how to seek union with the Lord through the means provided by the Church during their studies.

Pope Francis highlighted that the encounter with God through liturgy is something that belongs to everyone. He emphasized the vital connection between God and humanity within the liturgy, warning against approaches that do not foster this union, such as an excessive focus on rituals divorced from genuine spiritual connection.

Furthermore, he encouraged those present to embody fraternal love and humility, embracing the Cross as they allow themselves to be transformed by God. He urged them to work towards enlivening their daily liturgical practices to deepen and enrich their relationship with God.

Pope concluded by emphasizing that vibrant liturgical practices will transform communities into places where God dwells among humanity. This underscores the central theme that the liturgy is a profound and transformative encounter with God, both personally and communally.

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