Pope Francis Urges Global Prayers for Peace Amid Widespread Conflicts

Pope Francis Urges Global Prayers for Peace Amid Widespread Conflicts

Pope Francis has called on everyone to pray for peace in our conflict-ridden world, emphasizing that we are no longer facing isolated wars but a true "world war." He highlighted this during his Wednesday General Audience, addressing thousands of faithful in St. Peter's Square.

"We need peace. The world is at war," he declared, urging prayers for several countries currently afflicted by conflicts: Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and Myanmar.

 Pope emphasized the suffering of "martyred Ukraine" under continuous Russian drone attacks, the Middle East with its ongoing bombings, and Myanmar with its internal crises and the plight of the Rohingya. He urged the faithful not to forget these nations and others enduring war.

"Brothers and sisters, we need to pray for peace in this time of world war," he appealed.

He also encouraged even the youngest among us to contribute to building peace. Addressing Polish pilgrims, Pope Francis asked children celebrating their First Communion to be mindful of their peers suffering from war, hunger, and poverty. He prayed that Mary might teach us humble service, a source of peace for the world and the Church.

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