Saint Julia of Corsica

Saint Julia of Corsica

Born to aristocratic, noble parents in Carthage, St. Julia of Corsica was also known as St. Julia of Carthage or St. Julia of Nonza.

Julia's family was taken from her during an attack by Gaiseric, King of the Vandals, and she was sold into slavery. Eusebius, a heathen merchant from Syria, acquired her.

Julia never grumbled or felt sorry for herself, not even when faced with the most difficult responsibilities. She managed to find solace in her position in the world by being happy and patient. She had a deep love for God which made her study devotional books and engage in prayer when she wasn't carrying out her master's orders.

Charmed by Julia's dedication and loyalty, Eusebius thought it only fitting to take her with him on his voyage to Gual, the current location of France. He anchored his ship to attend a pagan idolatrous feast after arriving in the northern portion of the island, which was then known as Corsica.

Since Julia was unwilling to be polluted by the "superstitious ceremonies" she openly detested, she was left on her own a good distance from the celebration.

Felix, the island's governor, was a dogmatic pagan who insisted on having everything done in a certain manner. Upon observing Julia beyond the festivities, he believed she was "insulting the gods." Felix was told by Eusebius that Julia was a Christian and that she would not give up her faith even though he had authority over her. Because Julia was so conscientious and dependable in her job for him, Eusebius claimed, he could not bear to split from her.

Felix would not have it. In return for Julia, he offered Eusebius four of his finest female slaves. responded Eusebius, "No; all you are worth will not purchase her; for I would freely lose the most valuable thing I have in the world rather than be deprived of her."

Felix, not to be outdone, set about preparing a feast and bided his time until Eusebius grew drunk and passed out.

Felix discovered Julia vulnerable and alone. In an attempt to have her offer a sacrifice to his gods. If she obeyed, he would liberate her, he promised. Julia was not going to deny Christ.

"My freedom is to serve Christ," she stated, "whom I love every day in all the purity of my soul." Felix was furious with Julia's remark and had her hair ripped out of her head. Nevertheless, Julia kept professing her faith while she was being tortured. Finally, he hanged her from a cross till she died.

Monks from the island of Gorgon took her remains away, but in 763, Desiderius, the King of Lombardy, had her relics transferred to Brescia, a city in the northern Italian region of Lombardy, where the memory of St. Julia is highly revered.

St. Julia is frequently represented with a palm of martyrdom and a cross. She is the patron saint of disorders of the hands and feet, Livorno, Corsica, and victims of torture. On May 23, people commemorate her feast day.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Goban
Saint Crispin of Viterbo
Saint Michael the Confessor
Saint William of Rochester
Saint John Baptist de Rossi

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